Friday, October 29, 2010

Bonus - CLEANFLIX - October 2010

Featuring Andrew James and Josh Ligairi, the directors of Cleanflix

Considering the Sequels is a monthly film podcast that examines the merits and weaknesses of specific movie franchises. But this BONUS episode varies from our usual format and gives us the opportunity to discuss the new documentary, “Cleanflix,” with its directors. Right-click the title of this post to download this episode free.

Your hosts are Andy Howell, Karl Huddleston and Jason Pyles. Download this episode to find out how you can win a free copy of Roger Ebert’s Movie Yearbook 2009.


I. Intros / New Projects

- Director Andrew James Intro (00:58)

- Andrew describes Street Fighting Man (01:32)

- Director Josh Ligairi Intro (05:13)

- Josh describes Skeleton Picnic (06:12)

- The Documentary Blog Podcast (09:46)

II. Cleanflix: Documentary Filmmaking Approach

- Audio clip from the film (10:21)

- Jason’s Preface (12:20)

- Recognizing CleanFlicks as a Documentary Subject (15:11)

- Capturing Revelatory, “Magic” Moments (20:08)

- Gaining Subjects’ Trust When They Have Reason To Be Guarded (22:12)

III. Cleanflix: Whether the Filmmakers’ Opinions Affected This Film

- The Directors’ Positions on Sanitizing Movies (22:56)

- The Impossibility of Pure Objectivity in Doc. Filmmaking (25:06)

- Categorical vs. Rhetorical Form and a Fair Approach (26:14)

- Would CleanFlicks Have Survived if Daniel Were Shyer? (28:07)

IV. Cleanflix: Stylistic and Editing Choices

- The Appearance of the Archival Video Clips (29:55)

- The Difference in Appearance Between Original and Edited Clips (30:57)

- Cleanflix on Blu-ray? (32:46)

V. Cleanflix: Representing the Viewpoints

- Selection of Subjects to Represent Varying Viewpoints (34:00)

VI. Cleanflix: Distilling LDS Doctrine for a Broad Audience

- President Ezra Taft Benson’s 1986 R-rated Movie Admonition (39:48)

— A Brief Message About This Episode’s Sponsor, the Dave Eaton Element (42:53)

VII. Cleanflix: A Moral, Theoretical and Legal Issue

- The Subjective Nature of Morality and The Big Debate (44:20)

- Debating the Word “Stealing” and Where It Pertains to the Edited Movie Business (55:19)

- Before the Spoiler Section, Jason Recommends Cleanflix (59:52)

- Josh and Andrew List Upcoming Film Festivals Where Cleanflix Will Be Screened (1:00:52)

- A Possible “CleanFlicks’d” Version of Cleanflix? (1:01:49)


- The Psycho-Sexual Evaluation (1:02:48)

- Can Editing Specific Portions Change the Overall Tone of R-rated Movies? (1:07:01)

- Josh on the “Nuts and Bolts” of the Filmmaking Approach to Daniel’s Story (1:08:11)

- Daniel’s Court Ruling and Sentence (1:10:30)

- What Andrew and Josh Would Say to Daniel Now (1:11:35)

- Jason’s Feelings During the Film, as a Friend of Daniel’s (1:15:13)

- Jason, Andy and Karl Assess Cleanflix (1:15:58)

- A Cleanflix Sequel? and the Trajectory of This Film (1:17:49)

Wrap-Up (1:19:18)

Roger Ebert’s Movie Yearbook 2009 Give-Away Contest (1:19:44)

Credits (1:21:11)

End Time (1:24:33)

Contact Us:

E-mail us with questions, comments, suggestions:, or catch up with us on Facebook by searching “Considering the Sequels.” Visit Andy and Jason’s Considering the Cinema discussion blog, where we write about unusual films. The CTS podcast is now on Twitter: And if you’re really bored, follow Jason’s mostly film-related remarks on Twitter.


Thanks to our official sponsor, Heftel Studios, and thanks to the Dave Eaton Element — the sponsor of this bonus episode — for the use of Dave’s music. Thanks to our guests, directors Andrew James and Josh Ligairi, for appearing on our show. Visit Andrew’s guest page and Josh’s guest page to find their myriad links.

Thanks to Kara Brewer for her graphic designs and Bill Barnes for his concept art. Thanks to The /Filmcast for their inspiration. Oh, and Jason recommends listening to The Documentary Blog Podcast, which is co-hosted by Mr. Josh Ligairi.

This bonus episode was recorded on October 17, 2010.


  1. Great show, Jason. Thanks for having us on. My only regret is that in my zestful playing of devil's advocate for the clean films movement, I neglected to point out how much the censorship aspect of what they do really bothers me. Other than that, I'm really happy for the platform to talk about the film and thankful for your insights and great discussion.
    Great podcast. Keep up the good work!

  2. As noted in this episode, my movie review for "Cleanflix" can be found here:

